What is different though is that this election will be the longest in living memory and the resulting cost to taxpayers will no doubt reflect that. It’ll be a big budget production, thanks to uncle Stevie. The silver headed, old silver back apparently believes that he can outspend the competition with his party’s big bankroll, the way he frittered away what was in the nation’s piggy bank, took Canada from surplus to deficit and increased the national debt over the last decade. What an economist! Does anyone still remember what conservative actually means? And the postdated freebies promised to the public just keep coming. From where isn't explained.
Of course his party will have no problem replenishing their slush fund from the richest simians knuckling about in the more exclusive parts of the nation. They and the powers that be all regularly scratch each other’s backs and eat whatever parasites they find there whilst negotiating what cash will suffice for their attempts to buy elections with ads, freebies and other assorted monkey business. If it works, the ruling party get what they want and those purposely unsung and moneyed benefactors will rest snug and secure in the knowledge that the status quo will remain unchanged: the rich will continue getting richer and the poor will not.
Some may be ready for a change.
*As for the difficulty in trusting a politicians word, I will leave you with this little parable: Question: How can you tell when a politician is lying? Answer: Their lips move.